Less than a year ago, I watched a video of Steven Mark’s Toroidal Power Unit (TPU) and I was shocked to see a free energy device with such a high energy density. Some videos of Steven Marks devices can be found at:
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aDViLnziT8
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQXXodFVUCA
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq1lhuBFmDI
figure out the operation of the TPU. I have known for some time that Tesla did some experiments with high frequency and high voltage coils, and that he was also awarded many patents related to these experiments. I started on using new keywords for my search, “Tesla”, “free energy”, and “high frequency coils”. After a few days of searching, I hit the jackpot. I came across with a PDF book “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity” by Peter A. Lindemann, D. Sc. Mr. Lindemann had already taken on the task of connecting a free energy device from Edwin Gray with the work done by Nicolas Tesla. This book was really my Rosetta Stone! I will keep the following explanation simple, but it should be sufficient to understand the basic operation of the TPU.
1) What I learned about Tesla experiments
Figure 1 is a sketch illustrating the physical phenomenon discovered by Tesla around the year 1890. Figure 1 shows a square wave DC voltage source being applied to a solid copper wire. Based on hundreds of experiments, Tesla found that if a high voltage DC pulse is applied to a solid copper wire, a harmless energy will radiate perpendicular to the wire if the DC voltage pulse is tuned within certain parameters. The parameters are related to the DC pulse voltage, frequency, and duty cycle. Tesla defined this radiating energy as being of different type and of different behavior than the known electromagnetic waves. That is, the radiant energy cannot be defined or predicted by using Maxwell equations. Tesla had to device a new method of analysis for his unknown “radiant phenomenon”. Tesla noticed that this radiant energy can travel faster than a conventional electric current based on charge particle because it seems to have no mass. Tesla observed that this radiant energy can penetrate almost any material and will produce electrostatic effects when striking metals such as inducing voltages. This type of energy is also known as “radiant electricity”. Because of its harmless nature, the Tesla radiant electricity is also known as “Cold Electricity”. This property allowed Tesla to design a wireless power system as defined in his patent #645,576 “System of Transmission of Electrical Energy” dated March 20, 1900. Figure 2 represents the basic of the Tesla “Electrical Transformer” as described in his U.S. patent # 593,138, awarded in November 2, 1897. The construction of this transformer consists of an air core, a 2-turn primary coil, and a multiple turn secondary with a coned shape. If a DC pulse voltage is applied to the 2-turn primary coil and tuned to meet the Tesla conditions, a) a radiant energy will be emitted out perpendicular to the solid wire of the primary coil, and b) a voltage will be induced when the radiating energy reaches the secondary coil. Tesla found that extremely high voltages can be induced, which otherwise would not be possible to obtain by using standard electrical transformers based on magnetic couplings. Furthermore, Tesla also discovered that high power gains (in the thousands order of magnitude) can be achieved with this electrical transformer.
2) The TPU embodiment
Figure 3 is my proposed embodiment of a TPU based on Tesla teachings on radiant electricity. It consists of an air core transformer with a toroidal shape. The primary is constructed with a 1 or 2-turn solid copper wire. The primary coil is placed in the center of the air core. The secondary consists of a thinner solid copper wire wrapped around the air core. If the applied DC pulse is tuned to meet the Tesla conditions, 1) a harmless radiant energy will be emitted from the primary coil, 2) a voltage is induced when the radiant energy reaches the secondary coil, and 3) from Tesla experiments we also expect to have power amplification. Please, note that the harmless energy is ONLY obtained when the DC pulse voltage, frequency, and duty cycles meet what I call the “Tesla conditions”. Tesla observed that dangerous type of radiant energies is generated when the above conditions are not met. BY ALL MEANS BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL IF YOU PLAN ON EXPERIMENTING WITH THESE DEVICES!!!
3) My observations
It is clear from the text that the tuning or matching of the DC voltage source parameters is critical. The voltage level, the frequency, and the duty cycle (pulse width) must be just right. Tesla stated that the pulse width should be less than 0.1 micro-second. It seems that the goal is to apply a high voltage DC pulse with a corresponding pulse width sized to minimize the flow of conventional currents (electrons, ions, etc). Recall that an electrical current has an associated magnetic field. We are not interested in generating magnetic fields, but radiant energy.
I am not convinced that the Ether theory can explain the power amplification effect. I think the power gain is due to the fact that there is no interaction between the radiant energy originating from the primary coil and the magnetic field generated by a conventional electrical current circulating in the secondary coil in response to a connected load. In other words, Lenz’s law does not apply to this device because the coupling between the primary and secondary coils is not magnetic but radiant. An increase of load current in the secondary will not force an increase of primary current as it is the case for standard transformers with magnetic coupling. It is expected that the load current will generate a magnetic field in the secondary coil that will reach the primary coil. However, because the magnetic field inside the air core runs parallel to the primary coil, no voltage is induced in the primary coil. That is, the effects of the secondary coil on the primary coil are negligible. The radiant energy cannot be generated if a sinusoidal voltage is applied. If we are looking for radiant electricity we must excite the primary coil with a sudden change of high Vdc pulse. Finally, I do not recommend using too many turns for the primary coil; otherwise, the self-inductance may affect the shape of the applied DC pulse.